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Perl CGI scripts provides a web interface
to existing email accounts on any POP3 compliant
mail server and send email through a standard
SMTP server daemon. These scripts must be installed
on a Unix operating system.
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Small free software that will notify
you about new messages arrived to your mailbox.
The number of mailboxes MV can check is unlimited.
Marshall Secure
MailMarshal Secure is an optional
module of MailMarshal SMTP. MailMarshal Secure
offers a server-based solution for organizations
requiring encryption of email. MailMarshal Secure
is fully compliant with the S/MIME (Secure Multipart
Internet Mail Extensions) standard for PKI (Public
Key Infrastructure).
Marshall SMTP
MailMarshal SMTP is an enterprise-level
email content security and control product. Content
Security is about monitoring and controlling the
electronic data entering or leaving an organization.
MailMarshal provides server-based solutions to
the key issues in this area. MailMarshal SMTP
is designed to screen out email threats such as
viruses and spam, while providing a checkpoint
for confidential data, defamation, profanity or
other forms of email misuse that may potentially
harm business reputation.